Jul 2, 2020

How Replace Universal joint

Initially I feel there are irony sound bumped against at the time of I to release clutch. This noise I have felt when I to buy this car however still I have not felt correctness thus that moment I still hush.However longer I let, the noise increasingly bothers and felt there are drone sound in car. I think there are problem with transmission shaft from gear box to cardan, usually this thing indicates universal joit/cross joit there are problem and needs in replace and must as soon as possible because will do a real long voyage if this thing is in letting, if this thing is in letting a real worrying of will destroy. If remain to is let can result damage at sil cardan and seal gearboks. Rotation causality of couples that is is not balance, sometime later makes seal swell and oli can be seep exit. even which more hard of couples axis can be release. Finally vacation arrives, I can change that universal joint. Device applied only hammer, spanner wrench and ring key 12, nail puller snapring. Firstly, ascertains car in a state of locked brake arms, when needed frontage wheel shim and abaft. By using nail puller snapring, releases to four snapring at yoke Tapping the yoke with a hammer completely remove the bearing race. Take out the bearing race on the other side in same way Prepares universal of cross joint which is new, before in tide adds grease if required at all of bearing raceTide one of bearing at one of yoke, by the way of beating slowly enters spinder at yoke obliquely by entering spinder at yoke which has not there are bearing like seems to drawing following Then enters bearing race at other yoke side, then beats coming up with correct position attached all rings clip. Attached yoke which have been attached with spinder and the bearing to propeller, previous have been attached one of bearing race Universal tide of join at other propeller side by the way of like above way, if completed propeller tide at your automobile. Simply hardly easy to change this Universal joint.

Jun 25, 2020

mesin atau engines

Mesin mobil sebenarnya bukan suatu alat yang menghasilkan tenaga, melainkan suatu alat yang dapat mengkonversikan/mengubah energi kimia menjadi energi mekanis. Tidak percaya? Mari kita lihat paparan dibawah ini.

Awal dari kendaraan kenapa bisa bergerak sebenarnya dihasilkan dari ledakan-ledakan yang teratur dan terkendali dari suatu campuran kimiawi, dalam hal ini campuran bensin dan udara. Ledakan tersebut mendorong torak/piston dalam mesin sehingga menghasilkan gerakan transalasi, gerakan transalasi ini kemudian di ubah menjadi gerakan rotasi oleh poros engkol, putaran poros engkol ini kemudian diteruskan ke sistem kopling ke sistem transmisi yang akhirnya ke bagian roda.

Sebenarnya sebuah mesin tidak sesederhana seperti apa yang dipaparkan di atas, banyak sekali komponen pendukung dari sebuah mesin yang menjadikan suatu energi yang terkandung dalam suatu campuran kimia bisa diubah menjadi energi mekanis atau gerak yang teratur dan terkontrol, sehingga kendaraan tersebut dapat membawa kita ke tempat yang ingin kita tuju.